Agronometrics Shorts: Asparagus Prices Witness a 37% Spike in Week 51
The US market registered a 37% surge in asparagus pricing during week 51. Supplies from Mexico are being impacted by adverse weather conditions, marked by heavy rain and cool temperatures, compounded by a succession of cold fronts in Baja California. Concurrently, the Peruvian asparagus supply faces similar challenges owing to unfavorable growing conditions. Prices are projected to remain elevated through the New Year. Week 50 saw pricing at $6.02 per kg, 44% higher than 2022. The prevailing El Niño conditions have led to temperature swings, posing a distinctive challenge for growers and shippers in Peru. The supply of asparagus from Peru is tracking at approximately 20% lower than a year ago. Carlos Solf, Director of Procurement for Southern Specialties, elucidates that Peru is presently closing its southern growing areas in Ica while initiating operations in the northern regions, specifically Trujillo. Consumer demand for asparagus remains high, with consumers incorporating asparagus into their regular vegetable choices. Carlos emphasizes the role of value-added packaging options in expediting the preparation of healthy meals for consumers. Peruvian supply will be picking up momentum over the coming weeks as supplies from Mexico recede. However, volumes from Peru are anticipated to persist at levels below those recorded in 2022.
Source: USDA Market News via Agronometrics.
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Source: USDA Market News via Agronometrics.
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Source: USDA Market News via Agronometrics.
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Written by Sarah Ilyas