Berries and fruits from Morocco and Egypt are of great interest in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

From East Fruit | 30 April 2024

Overview of blueberries from Morocco in the U.S. market, complemented by charts from Agronometrics. Original published on April 29, 2024.

Following EastFruit’s publication about the first historic trade mission of fruit, berry and vegetable suppliers from Egypt and Morocco to Uzbekistan, which will take place on May 22, 2024, we have noted a sharp increase in the level of interest among local importers and supermarket chains in fruits and vegetables from these countries.

In particular, we are approached by potential buyers who are interested in logistics, possible price levels and other product parameters from these countries. Fresh berries from Morrocco and oranges from Egypt attract the highest level of interest at the moment. However, all fruit and vegetable exotics from these countries are of potential interest, namely: avocado, mango, guava and others. Since Egypt is one of the largest regional exporters of ware potatoes, and Uzbekistan is the world’s largest importer, this product category could also open up new trade opportunities.

Morocco Fresh Blueberry Export Volume by Partner | Cultivated Conventional

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Also, Central Asian region there is a growing interest in dates, which are still a very exotic product for local consumers. Considering the expected sharp increase production of dates in Egypt, now is the the best time to establish trade relations with Egyptian exporters and Central Asian importers of this product. Check out the reasons for the 10-fold increase in date consumption in Uzbekistan, and the religious aspect of this explosive growth in the article “Sky is the limit – 10-fold increase in palm dates imports to Uzbekistan explained”.

It should be noted that before the trade mission, the international team of FAO and the EBRD did a comprehensive preparatory work. In particular, an in-depth market study of potential niches for the fruits, berries and vegetables from Egypt and Morocco in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan was completed. The results of this study will be presented during the online training “How to export fruits and vegetables from Morocco and Egypt to Central Asia” on April 23, 2024. Participants in the training will also receive a copy of the study.

The training program can be found here. To register for participation in the training, follow this link. Please note that the training will be held in English for companies from Morocco and Egypt.

We invite importers and supermarket chains from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan to take part in negotiations that will take place on May 22, 2024 at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Tashkent. Detailed information about the event is here. You can apply for participation by filling out the form at this link.

The News in Charts is a collection of stories from the industry complemented by charts from Agronometrics to help better tell their story.

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