Agronometrics Shorts: Spikes in Strawberry Pricing Emerge In the Wake of California Rains
Strawberry prices in the US market have surged, as anticipated, owing to torrential rains in California which have led to significant crop losses and delayed harvests. As of 28 March 2023, the average price of strawberries in the US market was $19.13 per package. Prices recorded in week 12 were 40 % higher than those recorded in 2022. Supply levels are projected to plummet further in the next two weeks. California will ship historically low volumes while production in Florida and Mexico winds down. Supply demand imbalances are expected to continue in the market as growers struggle to replant waterlogged fields.
Source: USDA Market News via Agronometrics.
(Agronometrics users can view this chart with live updates here)
Written by: Sarah Ilyas