Agronometrics Shorts: Florida’s Strawberry Season Kicks off
The commencement of this year’s Florida strawberry season has unveiled favorable prospects, with the initial harvest in Plant City kicking off earlier than ever. This early start is strategically aligned with a slowdown in volume from California and a delayed initiation of the season in Mexico. Concurrently, the import dynamics from Mexico have undergone a shift, with a reduction attributed to an increasing preference for domestically consumed strawberries. Lower supplies, coupled with heightened local availability, have engendered robust demand. The ability to pick berries at optimal ripeness in Florida yields a product distinguished by enhanced flavor compared to fall varieties prevalent in California and Mexico. The season is anticipated to escalate in tandem with the Thanksgiving holiday, with Christmas and Valentine’s Day identified as peak consumption periods. In an effort to cultivate more flavorful strawberries and stimulate increased consumption, the University of Florida has diligently worked on developing novel varieties characterized by superior size, extended shelf-life, and enhanced disease resistance. Among these innovations, the Medallion variety, planted more extensively this year, stands out alongside other additions such as Brilliance and Sensation. The overall volume for this year’s Florida strawberry harvest is poised to surpass the previous year’s yield owing to increased acreage across the state. However, despite the promising outlook for the new season, concerns linger regarding returns, primarily due to significant input cost increases. Growers are expressing optimism about the growing season thus far. However, some growers acknowledge the potential impact of El Niño in 2023, foreseeing a year marked by increased rainfall which could increase the risk of diseases.
Source: USDA Market News via Agronometrics.
(Agronometrics users can view this chart with live updates here)
Source: USDA Market News via Agronometrics.
(Agronometrics users can view this chart with live updates here)
Written by Sarah Ilyas